FSS Universe Store
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Welcome to the The Foundation for Science and Spirituality Store

Every energetic audio is guaranteed or your money back. Every audio and CD comes with a 30 day satisfaction guarantee. Try them out with confidence!

Here is a review from a recent customer.

"I just wanted to let you know that I am finding your cds very helpful, especially the Concentration & Focus CD. Listening to this cd has really helped me have a laser like focus and the ability to stick with projects for hours. I find it very beneficial right now as I am writing a book." -RB


Buy 4 energies and get a 5th energy(CD or download) free. For CD's use the code "CD35" and for downloads use "DL35".

Instructions for Audio Acupuncture Audios

Leave 4 hours between energies.

To lock the energies in it is good to play each one 3 days in a row. Take a break then start again. Until the reason you bought it your happy with. Really pay attention and take notes on it.

The louder you turn it up the stronger the energy.

As your frequency will raise it is good to drink more water. The energies stay in the room 3-4 hours.

Don't use head phones. This is acupuncture through the air. So these energies go through your spiritual, mental, then emotional bodies. Next into the physical body, Which then you get the results. This is an important!


Unsure which Audio Acupuncture Energy is right for you?

Call us and we will help you find what suits you best. This service is free and we are happy to help. Our Energy Specialists are here for your service. Call 970-264-2592. If no answer leave a message and we will call back ASAP.


Our Mission:

The Foundation for Science and Spirituality is a non-profit organization. Our mission is to find the crossroads between science & spirit, to raise the frequency of people on Earth thus raising the frequency of Earth and to share this knowledge with the world.