When you are prone to getting cold sores, the search for supplements to help prevent and treat them can be daunting. We all wish there was one pill that would make the swelling and discomfort go away in an instant.
Olympian Labs VRL-X is formulated to give your body the extra help it needs to help reduce cold sore flare ups. Its key ingredient, Lysine, is commonly used for preventing and treating cold sores. Lysine tends to help the immune system manufacture antibodies.
Lysine, combined with Prunella Vulgaris, also known as Self Heal, makes Olympian Labs VRL-X immune boosting formula a powerful anti-viral and anti-bacterial supplement that helps to control the frequency and severity of viral outbreaks, alleviate pain, and speed healing.
Olympian Labs VRL-X is formulated to give your body the extra help it needs to help reduce cold sore flare ups. Its key ingredient, Lysine, is commonly used for preventing and treating cold sores. Lysine tends to help the immune system manufacture antibodies.
Lysine, combined with Prunella Vulgaris, also known as Self Heal, makes Olympian Labs VRL-X immune boosting formula a powerful anti-viral and anti-bacterial supplement that helps to control the frequency and severity of viral outbreaks, alleviate pain, and speed healing.
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