Audio Acupuncture Frequencies (Available as a download or CD)
Audio acupunctures are energetic audios meant to help improve your spiritual, mental, emotional and physical energies.
The programming and all issues are above the head for the physical body. So the energies change them there and drop into the physical body. No aura no physical body.
Here is a review from a recent customer.
"I just wanted to let you know that I am finding your cds very helpful, especially the Concentration & Focus CD. Listening to this cd has really helped me have a laser like focus and the ability to stick with projects for hours. I find it very beneficial right now as I am writing a book." -RB
Guaranteed or your money back. Every audio and CD comes with a 30 day satisfaction guarantee. Try them out with confidence!
Unsure which Audio Acupuncture Energy is right for you?
Call us and we will help you find what suits you best. This service is free and we are happy to help. Our Energy Specialists are here for your service. Call 970-264-2592. If no answer leave a message and we will call back ASAP.